Forms are listed alphabetically. If you have trouble finding a form, please contact the office and we will be happy to help.
- Activity Proposal Form - This form is to be completed by a group who is wishing to host an activity/fundraiser.
- Administration of Medication to Students - This is the Policy (JLCD) and forms required for medication to be administered to students at school.
- Athletic Permission Form - This permission form must be completed by a parent/guardian to grant permission to participate in interscholastic sports. The student must also sign the player's acknowledgement .
- Athletic Sports Physical Form - This form must completed by your child's doctor every 12 months. Please be aware of the date your child's sports physical expires to avoid interruption or delay in their sports season.
- Student Body Accounts Check Debit Card Request Form - Complete this form, if you need to purchase something using your student body account funds.
- Dance Permission Slip - Students who wish to bring a date from another school to a dance, need to complete and give this form to the school office for approval prior to the dance.
- Equipment Release Form - Use this form if you would like to borrow equipment from the school
- Kitchen Use Check List - This list must be completed and signed off on if the kitchen was used for an event.
- Student Body Accounts Cash / Coin Request Form - Need startup cash for a fundraiser complete this form.
- Student Body Accounts Deposit Form - Have funds to deposit to your class or club account
- Student Body Accounts Request for Reimbursement - This form must be submitted if you need funds reimbursed, along with a receipt.
- Transportation Disclaimer - This form should be completed if you would like to change your child's transportation to/from an extra-curricular event. Please complete this form 24 hours prior to the event and turn in to the school office.
- Use of School Facilities Form - Would you like to use the school facilities for an event? Complete this form and return to the school office.
- Volunteer Form - This form must be completed to volunteer at school.